Ben's Week in Medical School Podcast

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A podcast about my journey through medical school, and a sampling of interesting topics about the human body, health, and medicine.

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Episode 211 - USMLE Step 1 in 37 days, Burnout, Research (February 09, 2022)

Episode 210 - My First Autopsy, Rickets Makes a Comeback, and a Podcast Recommendation (December 04, 2021)

Episode 209 - Trauma Rounds, Pimping, Step 1 is booked (November 13, 2021)

Episode 208 - Trauma Surgery One-Week Elective (October 29, 2021)

Episode 207 - Dr. Patel, Staying in the Moment, Race in Kidney Disease, Guests Upcoming (August 29, 2021)

Episode 206 - Hospital Simulation, Street Medicine, Tutoring Session 1, ED Midway Data View (August 22, 2021)

Episode 205 - MUTAs, Weed in N95s, Practice Boards (August 15, 2021)

Episode 204 - Intro to Kidneys, Practice Board Exam, Extracurriculars and Tutoring (August 07, 2021)

Episode 203 - Occupational Lung Diseases, Lung Cancer (intense lectures), Question about Inhalers (July 25, 2021)

Episode 202 - Blue Fugates of Kentucky, Listerine, and Lung Function (July 18, 2021)

Episode 201 - Narcan Training, Palliative Care, Pulmonology Week 1 (July 04, 2021)

Episode 41 - End of Year 1, Weekly Wrap-Up (June 21, 2021)

Episode 40 - Syncope, Emergency Medicine Specialty Spotlight (June 13, 2021)

Episode 39 - EKGs, Specialty Focus on Family Medicine (June 06, 2021)

Episode 38 - School Updates, Heart Beat, Fetal Circulation (May 30, 2021)

Episode 37 - Brain Tumors Revisited, Why are Veins Blue, Street Medicine First Meeting (May 16, 2021)

Episode 36 - Lothian Birth Cohort Study, Prepping for cardiology (May 09, 2021)

Episode 35 - EEG, Brain Tumors, and Street Medicine (May 02, 2021)

Episode 34 - Wiring of the Brain, Differential Diagnosis (VINDICATE), Podcast Recommendation (April 28, 2021)

Episode 33 - Dictation in the ED, Romberg Sign, Triage (April 18, 2021)

Episode 32 - Start of Haldol Study, MRIs and CTs, 2nd Dose Covid Clinic (April 11, 2021)

Episode 31 - Whole Body Donation, Practice Test #1 (March 28, 2021)

Episode 30 - Bones Are Alive, Inspired for Projects, Updates to study method (March 22, 2021)

Episode 29 - Community COVID-19 Vaccinations, Emergency Department Tour and Research, Anatomy Practical Exam Preview (March 14, 2021)

Episode 28 - PACE and Caregiving, Nerve Pain, My Teachers are My Doctors, Lefty Tools (March 07, 2021)

Episode 27 - Righty Tighty, VR in Palliative Care, How Bones Change, Reflexes are Neat (February 28, 2021)

Episode 26 - Anatomy Lab Begins, Research in Haldol Study (February 23, 2021)

Episode 25 - Vaccination Volunteer, Spirituality in Medicine, Malaria, Tumor treatments (February 14, 2021)

Episode 24 - Teaser for Spirituality in Medicine, and Musculoskeletal System Block (February 07, 2021)

Episode 23 - 2nd dose of vaccine, cancer grading vs. staging, paraneoplastic syndromes (January 31, 2021)

Episode 22 - Antibody Update, Sickle Cell Disease, Talking about Cancer, Ancient Mesopotamian Medicine (January 24, 2021)

Episode 21 - COVID Vaccine, How We Get Antibodies, Blood Types (January 17, 2021)

Episode 20 - Aspirin and NSAIDs, Published Some News, Blood Loss Question (January 10, 2021)

Episode 19 - Intro to Blood, Rainbow of Tubes, Helping with a Study in Michigan (January 03, 2021)

Episode 18 - Learning for more than the test, What went well last block, Some Favorites of the Year (December 27, 2020)

Episode 17 - Immune Privileged sites, Looking forward to Hematology and Oncology, Doctor Communication (December 20, 2020)

Episode 16 - Lecture of the week, Gun Violence, Vaccine Questions (December 13, 2020)

Episode 15 - Vaccine news, How Insurance Pays for Healthcare, Parasites, Antibiotics (December 06, 2020)

Episode 14 - Passed my Medical First Responder test, Scary Misconceptions about Race and Skin, Whats coming up (November 29, 2020)

Episode 13 - No More Physicals, Skin, Content Overload, Medical First Responder (November 22, 2020)

Episode 12 - Immunology Begins, Bacteria and Fungi, Clinic and Physical Exams, Minorities in Medicine Panel (November 15, 2020)

Episode 11 - Green Week Updates, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, First Physical Exam (November 08, 2020)

Episode 10 - Back to Campus, Pedigrees, Gross Anatomy (November 01, 2020)

Episode 9 - First quarter of school, Alcohol metabolism, Is going to the gym safe? (October 25, 2020)

Episode 8 - Studying in Quarantine, Research Ethics, Calico Cats (October 18, 2020)

Episode 7 - Arteriovenous studies, Grits and vitamin B3, DNA contents (October 11, 2020)

Episode 6 - Intro Genetics, and Extracurricular Lectures and Fun (October 04, 2020)

Episode 5 - Active Citizenship in the Community and First Responder Capstone Day (September 27, 2020)

Episode 4 - How I spent vacation, and Disaster Life Support (September 20, 2020)

Episode 3 - First Exam, starting not finishing, microscopy, meditation, clinical thinking (September 14, 2020)

Episode 2 - Dietary Reference Intakes, Kussmaul Breathing, and more (September 06, 2020)

Episode 1 - Emergencies, Energy, Studying (August 30, 2020)